keskiviikko 1. huhtikuuta 2009

Jorma Kalske ja Mika Illman vastuuseen rikollisesta muslimien kiihottamisistaan Seppo Lehdon ja Jussi Halla-ahon hengen riistämistarkotuksissaan

Älkäämme unhotako: Onhan näitä verovapaita ruhtinaskuntia joihin ei mahamutajia oteta ;) mm. San Marino, Espanjan ja Ranskan välissä pikkarainen Andorra, sekä itse Vatikaani, missään noissa ei tarvita neekereitä eikä islamisteja

Miten olisi jos neekerit pidettäisiin Afrikassa ja islamistit siellä missä ovat niin ei syrjittäisi suomalaisia eikä eurooppalaisia?

Ryssätkin tietävät totuuden isä aurinkoisesta ja profeetta Lenininistä, kun posauttivat Viipurin Lenin patsaan viimeisten uutisten mukaan.

Mutta mitä kummaa täällä Suomessa tapahtuu?

Älkäämme alistuko

Seppo Lehto 4 lapsen isä, Jussi Halla-aho 3 lapsen isä humanisteja molemmat

Toimikaamme ennenkuin on liian myöhäistä

Jorma Kalske ja Mika Illman vastuuseen rikollisesta muslimien kiihottamisistaan Seppo Lehdon ja Jussi Halla-ahon hengen riistämistarkotuksissaan yllyttämällä muslimit Suomeen murharetkille


maanantai 2. maaliskuuta 2009

Runkaako valtionsyyttäjä mika illman päivittäin muhammed pilakuvien ääressä vai mistä johtuu työnkuvaansa kuuluva "kiihottuminen"?

Kysymys: Runkaako valtionsyyttäjä mika illman päivittäin muhammed pilakuvien ääressä vai mistä johtuu työnkuvaansa kuuluva "kiihottuminen"?

23. lokakuuta 2008

There are communal election in Finland and svastika still exist in Tampere communal elections

There are communal election in Finland and svastika still exist in Tampere communal elections

Kunnallisvaaliehdokas Seppo Lehto

Terveisin suomalaisuusasiamiehenne 637 Seppo Lehto"

mera information / lisää tietoa ylläolevista blogeista

23. heinäkuuta 2008

Jopa ryssät ottavat kantaa jo nimensä perusteella sairas mies valtionsyyttäjä Mika Illmaniin

Jopa ryssät ottavat kantaa jo nimensä perusteella sairas mies valtionsyyttäjä Mika Illmaniin = Even russians take comments to sick man state procecutor Mika Illman = Även ryssarna deltagar till discussion om ill man staten procecutor Mika Illman

Valtionsyyttäjä Mika Illman saa ryssitellä vapaasti ilman syytettä äidinkielellään om ryssar, men inte fiskatalande finska folket - Tämäkö on yhdenvertaisuuden tila Suomessa - Rakkaat ryssät vaatikaa Mika Illman tilille ryssittelystään

Власти Финляндии собираются принять новый закон, согласно которому блоггеры в этой стране будут нести юридическую ответственность за контент, представленный у них на сайте, включая комментарии пользователей. Хотя законопроект еще не вступил в силу, первый финский блоггер 2 года за разжигание межэтнической розни уже получил.

Власти Финляндии выдвинули новый законопроект, направленный на борьбу с расизмом в интернете. Установленные правила будут аналогичны законам, регулирующим деятельность печатных СМИ. Главный редактор издания несет ответственность за все статьи, которые опубликованы в газете или журнале, а владелец блога будет нести такую же юридическую ответственность за весь контент, представленный у него на сайте, включая и комментарии на форумах.

Прокурор Мика Иллман (Mika Illman) считает, что новый законопроект не ужесточит контроль над блогами, а внесет ясность в запутанную ситуацию. «Если я пишу что-то незаконное в блоге, ответственен ли его владелец за публикацию этого текста?», — задает он риторический вопрос.

Новые правила будут четко определять, что сам блоггер отвечает за любой незаконный контент на своем сайте. В основу данного законопроекта положены правила, которые существуют в соседней Швеции, сообщает Helsinki Times.

«В Швеции, согласно закону, владелец сайта должен проверять все публикуемые на нем материалы. В случае обнаружения чего-то незаконного, этот контент должен удаляться», — сказал Иллман.

В настоящее время в стране законность контента определяется судом. Конституция Финляндии запрещает представителям властей вмешиваться и удалять какие-либо материалы до их публикации — полиция и прокуроры могут действовать только постфактум. Прокурор должен передавать дело в суд, который и решит вопрос с правомерностью статьи.

Одним из наиболее громких дел недавних дел в сфере регулирования интернета стал суд над блоггером Сеппо Лехто (Seppo Lehto), которого обвиняли в грубой клевете, разжигании этнической ненависти и подстрекательстве к религиозной ненависти. Его приговорили к двум годам тюремного заключения в мае 2008 г.

Многие блоггеры и борцы за свободу слова в Финляндии недовольны новым законопроектом, по их мнению, он ужесточает контроль над интернетом. Многие специалисты также отмечают, что модерировать блог с несколькими комментариями в день не сложно, однако на сайтах, где за день оставляют тысячи комментариев, контролировать весь контент представляется возможным не всегда.

По мнению прокурора Иллмана, новые законы не будут ограничивать свободу слова в Финляндии. Он отмечает, что представители властей не получают никаких новых полномочий для контроля за контентом.
Translation by google:

The authorities of Finland are collected to accept the new law, according to which [bloggery] in this country will bear juridical responsibility for [kontent], represented in them on the site, including the commentaries of users. Although the bill yet did not enter the force, first Finnish [blogger] of 2 years 7 months for kindling of ethnic discord was already obtained. The authorities of Finland advanced the new bill, directed toward the fight with the racism in the Internet. Established rules will be analogous to the laws, which regulate the activity of printed media outlets. The editor in chief of publication bears responsibility for all articles, which are published in the newspaper or the periodical, and the owner of [bloga] will bear the same juridical responsibility for entire [kontent], represented in it on the site, including commentary on the forums. The attorney Mick [Illman] (Mika Of illman) considers that the new bill will not stiffen control over [blogami], but will introduce clarity into the imbroglio. “If I do write something illegal in [bloge], is critical its owner for the publication of this text? ”, he poses rhetorical question. New rules will clearly determine that [blogger] itself answers after any illegal [kontent] on its site. As the basis of this bill are assumed the rules, which exist in adjacent Sweden, reports Helsinki Of times. “In Sweden, according to law, the owner of site must check all published on it materials. In the case of detecting something illegal, this [kontent] must be moved away”, said [Illman]. At present in the country the legality of [kontenta] is determined by law court. The constitution of Finland forbids to the representatives of authorities to interfere and to move away any materials to their publication - the police and attorneys can act only post factum. Attorney must transfer the matter into the law court, which will solve a question with the lawfulness of article. One of the most sensational cases of the recent matters in the sphere of the regulation of the Internet became the law court above [bloggerom] [Seppo] [Lekhto] (Seppo Of lehto), which they charged with the rough slander, kindling of ethnic hatred and instigation for the religious hatred. They sentenced it to two years of the imprisonment in May 2008. Many [bloggery] and fighters for freedom of word in Finland are dissatisfied by new bill, in their opinion, it stiffens control over the Internet. Many specialists also note that to [moderirovat] [blog] with several commentaries during the day is not complicated; however, on the sites, where thousands of commentaries leave in the day, to control entire [kontent] is possible not always. In the opinion attorney [Illmana], new laws will not limit freedom of speech in Finland. He notes that the representatives of authorities do not obtain any new authorities for the control of [kontentom].


1. heinäkuuta 2008

Dear readers: Why I send this? - Some bloggers have asked me freguently:"Seppo Lehto; Are you racist?

To the thinking world news some "Seppo Lehto Tampere tunnetuksi" news now in Infidel bloggers blog:
Why I send this? - Some bloggers have asked me freguently:"Are you racist?"
The real and only one finnish Muhammed caricaturist from Finland Seppo Lehto: I wanna share my happiness with you alike I did in last Christmas when I was Santa Claus in Tampere - Warning:) This is my typical black humour of Seppo Lehto - Do you stand my black humour as somalis in Tampere. There is one laughing somali who has taken these photos about me and his friends Please do not take my humour as serios as the Finnish court system rewarded me putting me 2 years and 7 months prisonery judgement as a punishment

I`m not sure am I free in next Christmas time so you can send this photos alike Christmas postcard from Santa Claus Seppo Lehto finnish Muhammed caricaturist from Finland

Seppo Lehto
Infidel blogger from Tampere Finland
in finnish
In malesia language blognews about my judment in 30.5.2008 in Tampere "court" alike in sovjet system Sovjet-Union.

Original in:

22. kesäkuuta 2008

Hello Jaco from middle of midnight lights in Finland 22.6.2008 - I`m the man who says neekeri not shaming at all that

The state procecutor Mika Illman tried to prevent me and not allow to see my eldest child graduating to "ylioppilas" by his ridiculous lies and claims - You see my dear, her playing in front of all in front of Finland`s flags in Tampereen Normaalikoulu

Seppo Lehto

Hello Jaco from middle of midnight lights in Finland 22.6.2008

You see the basically it is impossible that any finns are racist. We might be victims of racists if we let free immigration happen as it happend in America ( What happened to millions of indian tribes and nations - Where are all the indians now ;)?

There is a picture one year ago which is publiched in many blogs - You see what the kenian negers think about my humour with one iranian man.

I hope you can see it - Originally it is published in blog.

I would not like to be the last mohawk or finn in battle of our nation - But if I have to I`ll do so in front of islamistic and african nigger and arabs as an unwanted immigration

Neekeri-word is the most exactly word in finnish to describe black negro men whose origin is from Africa. I have understood that in english it has been so before ( niggers - > blacks -> afroafricans - what will be the next step or word in this avoiding the "racial words"? )

The other solution is to make alike Michael Jackson? - Is that better - I do not think so.
If I`m born as a indian, chinese, nigger or finnish I just keep going on without any hiding my origin.
If I would been born as a nigger or neekeri in finnish what the hell I`m hiding it? - Anyone can see just by one look my origin.
Honestly I have discussed over 24 years with diffrent kind of niggers in Finland and abroad. - I have noticed that too often those niggers try to ride using their skin to get some advantage in some how. - I`m not talking glad about ladies in this case, but you can guest that it is not nice to hear to be told finnish ladies such thinks alike "If you do not give me you are racist". - When I was shower in student houses 22 years ago there was a constant doorbell sounds. I went to open I said: "I´m in shower now" and having just towel in my sex organs. - But this caricature type black nigger start to yell very loud and putting his foot so that I could not shut the door again: "If you do not buy my pictures you are racist!"
Such things - You can think what I think about those "racist slurs". - I said: I call police, you can try to sell your pictures to them, but I`m going to continue my shower.

I would say in front of growing diffrent kind of african and islam origins we finn people are most likely victims of immigrant`s racism and such other unwanted things. It has happend to me, too.
Of course I like niggers when they stay in their continent and states not having any desire to cheet or make any crimes against me alike they constantly try to do through my e-mail. I`m sure you have those nigerian scam letters in your e-mails, too.
Unfortunately there are too many one eyed whites that who believes against all evidences that niggers are automatically ok or they are right in case, what ever it is. - Things and life should be done without any racial roots. But what more we have these multicultural cases and multicultural nations that more complicated life is.

I know few negroes in Finland who do not try ride with me or my opinions. - One ethiopian neger openly laughed with me those other negers and those whites who represent my nations, who sued me and wanted me to jail. He wondered their motives and tried to understand my point of view, too. He has finnish wife and he admit that there is a lot problemacy in this multicultural conflicts even between somalis, ethiopians etc.

I handle cases without not looking by people race, but I have learnt that it matters some people a very much to pretend to be so open, so multicultural, etc. - I wonder why?

There are a lot evidences about growing violence, rapes, murders, aids, etc. after white regime Steven Botha regime gave up all regime to blacks in South Africa.
If you have read papers of watched TV you have seen what has happend in ex-Rhodesia, Uganda, Kenia, too. - Who does those terrible things what happens there? - Racists? Not europeans or me.

Luckily in my tenniscourses there has not been many negroes, only one which was enough. He behaved alike in those nigerian scam letters, cheated me to teach him tennis without paying anything.
I have had the most tennis pupils by chineses, russians and finns. That is the fact.

Tomorrow I start my tennis courses again, so I decided to reply to you finally. You are worth of reply.

I hope you find honestly what kind of man I`m.

Yours Sincerely with Best wishes

Seppo Lehto
Muhammed caricaturist
Suomi - Finland

PS: You are free to publish my letters in your blogs as you did before ;), too.
I send this e-mail in the same time to finnish "lehtineekerit" = medianiggers as a reply to you, too. You know people who made newspapers before. They got black ink to their skins, that why they were called "Lehtineekeri" in finnish.

There is my nigger humor as attachment in this e-mail and this blog to islamistic fanatics. I`m their new prophet who denies sharia law. ;) I think you agree with me in this humour.
In this my daughter`s graduation situation there was chinese woman behind me. Her son graduated at the same time from same class than my daughter. One funny occation was that it happened to came same picture Rosa Meriläinen ex-parliament member ( The Greens group ex-member of parliament ) behind me the white shirt lady. ;).


2008/6/15 Jaco Pastorius <cuanasblog(at)>:

Hi Seppo,
I am glad to hear that you are not in prison at this point. I hope that you win your appeal.
Let me know if there is anything we can do in terms of getting word out.
Here is a question for you. I see that you use the word "nigger" on your website. That is considered a racist word in English.
You have a right to be a racist if you want to be. And, you have a right to express racist opinions if that is how you feel.
Do you dislike people who are not white? Tell me, honestly. You have a right to not like people who are not white.
I am white, but most of my family is not white. I love people of all colors. But, I believe it is a person's right to express their opinion, no matter what that opinion is.
What is your opinion?

15. kesäkuuta 2008

Thanks to Jaco Pastorius from attention to my justice murder 30.5.2008 in Tampere court

Thanks to Jaco Pastorius
from attention to my justice murder 30.5.2008 in Tampere "court"

Muhammed caricaturist in Finland

Finnish Seppo Lehto The new prophet for all muslims: Sharia law no more allowed - All muslims obey now my orders otherwise I curse you!

Seppo Lehto
Suomi Finland

28. toukokuuta 2008

Hello muslims all over the world: You have brand new prophet Muhammed from Finland ;)His name is Seppo Lehto from Tampere Finland

Hello all muslims all over the world - It`s time wake up and pray and obey your new prophet`s advices how to behave and treat your women and children

You have brand new prophet Muhammed from Finland ;)His name is Seppo Lehto from Tampere Finland


Uusi suomalainen profeetta muslimeille Brand new finnish prophet for muslims. New solution of our days Seppo Lehto prophesy to you: Join us Let`s make peace together. Let`s have a good "letkis" even we are not homoseksual alike many muslims are in real world of Iran, Irak, Syria, Afganistan. Reveal you love to your prophet and make a good offer to Muhammed caricature 2.3.2008 done by Seppo Lehto Finland

Join our common cause: Make your own version about old pedofile prophet Muhammed and violent islamistics

Other news about Muhammed caricatures and freedom of speech case in Finland = Muhammed caricaturist vs Finland`s stateprocecutor Mika Illman

There is some new muhammed prophesy humor in my blog 28.5.2008

Seppo Lehto has declared a reinkarnation of prophet Muhammed. There is a video about this item in, too.
(I accidentaly distroyed it).

Have a nice day ;)

Seppo Lehto Tampere Finland

Finland`s stateprocecutor Mika Illman demanded to Seppo Lehto 2.5 year prisonery about diffrent kind of insulting of muslims and islam and other such thing.

Statements and trial were 5-7.5.2008 and court decision comes 30.5.2008 o`clock 16 - Finland`s press has been were quiet about this case

Appealing to the diffrent individuals all over the world:

Spread the message how Finland`s state and it`s authorities lick violent muslims asses in Finland by doing this kind of trials in Finland
Suomalaista mustaa huumoria / Finnish black humour for finns, negroes, muslims and all people who do not understand what is good for all of us:



16. maaliskuuta 2008

Easter time has come: Jesus rode by donkey - Seppo Lehto rides "Pedofile prophet Muhammed as a pig caricature" video for our nation`s sake

I hope you all get the point of my message ;) about this "Pedofile prophet Muhammed as a pig caricature" video

The pedofile prophet Muhammed as a pig caricature video question is human rights including women, children and other and freedom of speeches

Thank you all dear christian friends in USA in name of proper thinking

Muhammed caricature contest is still going on - Come on and spread this messages to Iran, Libya, Egypt, Indonesia, Afganistan etc to those who are more than eager to say "Lovely" when they see this pedofile prophet Muhammed caricature as a pig video against our western civilization`s islamization

Yours Sincerely Seppo Lehto

2. maaliskuuta 2008

Youtubelta viimeisin Muhammed sikapilakuva sianvinkunnan kera iloksenne - Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki sinä ja minä grissar är vi alla du och jag

Thank you protecting of freedom of speech

There is in youtube the latest pedofile prophet Muhammed caricature how it was born with svining and other voices
- removed censored link into
( First versio had nearly 16 500 visitors in 3.3-5.3.2007 )

I reveal that newest pedofile prophet Muhammed idea to this latest video came or enlighted 2.3.2008 when I read Afganistan riots against Muhammed caricatures

The former idea publiched 1:st month 2006 was "qurans to fire" website" but it was put down wery quicly.
Even our (Our security police = Supo) Supo director was contacted me and demanded to put them those "qurans to fire" vwebsite down. I refuced and they succeeded in other way using their legalised power.

This is my latest freedom of speech declaration to all muslims at this time:

Let`s support freedom of speech

There is a new one Muhammed caricature published by video in youtube 2.3.2008

Thank you by your publishing this production revealing Muhammed caricature with voices ;)

I decladred already in semptember 2007 this kind of Muhammed caricature contest in Finland.

This videoversion Muhammed pedofile prophtet is my 4 th Muhammed picture

Second Muhammed caricature you can see from my profile. There woman is sitting and shitting on quran in ramadan time. Look that picture carefully, there is a lot diffrent kind of messages.

The previos other you can see this and other similar blogs

Seppo Lehto date 5.3.2008
Muhammed caricture artist from Tampere Finland
Youtubelta katsokaa sivupalkkia: Viimeisin profeetta Muhammed sikapilakuva sianvinkunan kera iloksenne tai niin kauan kuin tämä linkki toimii:

Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki sinä ja minä, grissar är vi alla du och jag myös valtionsyyttäjä siansylttyä suoltava Mika Illman ja esimiehensä ryssäläistä paskaa ulostava apulaisvaltakunnansyyttäjä Jorma Kalske

Will make this better world without muslims in Europe

Look at this publicly masturbating muslims in their march
( removed video )

13. helmikuuta 2008

Ni är alla svenskar wellkomna till Muhammedkarikatyrertävlingen - Do your own version about pedofil prophet Muhammed and islam criminals

Finland`s wellknown muhammed caricature artist Seppo Lehto shows his ass to all muslim fanatics ; )

Wellcom all muslims to express your feelings about your pedofile prophet Muhammed and pigs in finnish carikature contest

Ni är alla svenskar, norskar, finskatalande, danske folket wellkomna till Muhammedkarikatyrertävlingen i Finland
- Do your own version about pedofil prophet Muhammed and islam criminals

Send your muhammed caricatures about this filthy islamistisk pedofile bastards till e-mail:

Kiinnostaako kunnallisvaaliehdokkuus ?

Suomi suomalaisille / mahd. IKL-lista hakee nyt kunnallisvaaliehdokkaita !

Kunnallisvaalit toimitetaan joka neljäs vuosi lokakuun neljäntenä sunnuntaina.

Seuraavat kunnallisvaalit pidetään su 26.10.2008

PIIRITOIMISTOON e-mail: kunnallisvaaliehdokas(at)

Tai täytä lomakkeet ja lähetä IKL:n / Tampereen Suomi Suomalaisille piiritoimistoon
Penttilänkatu 12D15, 33820 Tampere
Otamme yhteyttä!
Haluan ehdokkaaksi

Kunnallisvaalit 2008 -

Tule Tampereella kanssaehdokkaaksi Seppo Lehdon listalle!

palaute: kunnallisvaaliehdokas(at)

Oletko kiinnostunut vaikuttamaan kuntasi asioihin?

Täytä oheinen lomake ja laita se, niin otamme sinuun yhteyttä.

Kunnallisvaalien vaalipäivä on sunnuntaina 26.10.2008 ja

ennakkoäänestys 15.-21.10.2008.

Ehdokashakemukset on jätettävä viimeistään 16.9.2008 ja ehdokasasettelu vahvistetaan 25.9.2008.



Koulutus/ ammatti





Täytä lomake tekstaten

7. lokakuuta 2007

Friska Prophet Muhammedkarikatyrer i Finland. - Kom och titta på Muhammed karikatyrer av tammerforska Seppo Lehto karikatyrartist i Finland

Touch by your mouse the finish Muhammed caricature and other Seppo Lehto pictures you get them bigger to look at

Willkomma att titta på friska nya prophet Muhammed karikatyrer i Finland
Vi tackar Seppo Lehto i Tammerfors
Friska Prophet Muhammed karikatyrer i Muhammed karikatyr tävling i Finland.
- Kom och titta på Muhammed karikatyrer av tammerforska Seppo Lehto karikatyrartist i Finland, som vill skratta med dig till dessa muslimfanatiker i olika muslimländer

Om ni ville skratta mera till fanatik muslimer och kriminella muslimer titta på också:
Mohammed caricature and Mohammed caricatures in Finland is looking for new talents to draw funny and evil mohammeds = The Plain Truth about islam and muslims ;)

Prophet Mohammed caricature and Mohammed caricatures in Finland

Look at:

More information send e-mail to:

Mohammed caricature and Mohammed caricatures are published in Finland: in english so that muslims can understand, too ;)
på svenska att svenska muslimer förstår också att nu bättre bliva tyst som alla muslimer i Saddam Hussein`s graveyards i Irak.
- Yes indeed - Finn people can do what they want without licking muslims asses, not even Soviet Union could not beat finnish nation even USA helped it.

Caricature artist Seppo Lehto Tampere - Finland
e-mail: vapaussoturi(at)
puh: 044-3380291

Prophet Muhammed Caricatures published in Finland Profeetta Muhammedin Pilakuvat Suomessa julkaistu ja julkaistaan lisää kun vaan saadaan lisää pilakuvia pedofiiliprofeetta Muhammedista Pilakuvia voitte lähettää pilakuvakilpailuun: e-mail: pilakuvat(at) ja muslimeille to muslims news about this mohammed caricature contest to :

- He kiittänevät / They shall thank you and then cry in the corner ;)

Muhammed and Islam caricature contest in Finland is still going on - Willkommen Sie alle Leute mit deutchen Volk!
